Finding the right size (size adjustment)
Step 1: Measure the wrist using a paper strip or measuring tape
- Cut a strip of paper approx. 30 cm long
- Attach a piece of adhesive tape to the end of the paper strip and stick the strip to your wrist.
- Wrap the paper strip around your wrist just below your wrist bone - where you usually wear a bracelet.
- Mark the paper strip with a pencil where the end of the bracelet should be.
Step 2: Determine the required length
- Lay the paper strip down and now measure from the beginning to the mark
- The length determined is your wrist circumference
Step 3: Choose the right size
Now add the following cm to the measured wrist circumference - depending on how you want the bracelet to fit:
- Add 0.6 to 1.3 cm for a tight fit.
- Add 1.9 to 2.5 cm for a comfortable fit.
- Add 2.5 to 3 cm for a loose fit.
How do we calculate the sizes of our bracelets?
Our size specifications refer to the total length of the bracelet, minus the overlapping clasp parts.
Example: A bracelet in size 21 cm has a total length of 23 cm when measured horizontally and open. However, as 2 cm of the clasp parts overlap when the bracelet is closed, these 2 cm are deducted from the total length. The bracelet therefore has a length of 21 cm.
The loss of length that occurs when closing the fastener is therefore already taken into account in the specified dimensions.
Important: The loss in length varies depending on the bracelet. Example: Leather bracelet (approx. 1 cm). Men's bracelet (approx. 2 cm).